Fellowship and Mastership Program

Fellowship Program in the ADAA

A long standard of professional achievement, a Fellowship in one of America’s healthcare organizations has been a coveted level of professional recognition; a recognized, accepted accomplishment among one’s peers.

The American Dental Assistants Association offers the Fellowship category within its membership.  And, there are two paths to this goal; clinical and business.

Thousands of dental assisting professionals have proven their skill and dedication by earning the Certified Dental Assistant or Registered Dental Assistant credential. In addition, ADAA is offering a challenging path to:

  • Increased value to your patients and practice
  • Enhanced confidence in your dental assisting capabilities
  • Public recognition of professional achievement
  • Increased professional status
  • Satisfaction with increased education
  • Enhancement of self-esteem

Doctors take pride in a confident, educated team member.  This recognition and its aura of proven skills contribute to in-house marketing efforts, shorter start-up time for the new employee, and reduced staff turnover.

Most importantly, patients benefit from self-assured, well-educated team members, confident of their contribution to the dental team effort.

In order to become a Fellow of the ADAA, a dental assistant must be an Active Member of the ADAA. Immediately following enrollment, the ADAA Active Member may begin accruing the 300 hours of continuing education credit required for completion.

Those who have already achieved the status of Certified Dental Assistant are halfway to achieving Fellowship, and will automatically receive 150 hours of credit upon enrolling. Non-CDAs holding Registered Dental Assistant status from a state may apply for RDA credit which could be awarded on a state-by-state basis according to established criteria.  However, these RDA hours cannot be credited in addition to CDA hour awards.

Upon successfully completing the Fellowship Program, applicants are recognized at ADAA Annual Conference.  National recognition will be provided through the ADAA’s professional journal and press releases.  A record of all CE credit hours submitted will be held in ADAA’s Fellowship files.

As the profession of dental assisting moves forward, you should move forward too. You should become a Fellow of the American Dental Assistants Association.

Access the documents below after logging in with your membership username and password.

Mastership Program in the ADAA

..the next move in professional achievement for ADAA Fellows.  Now that you have achieved the level of Fellowship in the ADAA, we urge you to consider the merits and benefits of the ADAA Mastership.

Your challenge in approaching Mastership will include the expansion of topics studied for the Fellowship program with an emphasis on the new technology in dentistry.  As with the Fellowship program, there are benefits for you, for the practice with which you are affiliated, and for the dental health care consumer, including:

  • advanced knowledge leading to increased value to your patients and practice;
  • enhanced confidence in your dental assisting capabilities;
  • public recognition of professional achievement; and
  • increased self-esteem.

Put your experience and education to the challenge and become part of the ADAA’s Mastership program. Experience the satisfaction of achievement.

Access the documents below after logging in with your membership username and password.

*If you see an error or have an update, please email info@adaausa.org


2022 98th ADAA Annual Session
  • Betty A. Fox, CDA, RDA, A.S., MADAA (Tennessee)
  • Tyler J. Winter, CDA, RDA, LDA, MADAA (Illinois)
2021 97th ADAA Annual Session
2020 96th ADAA Annual Session
  • Cathleen Meyer-Butler, CDA, MADAA (Indiana)
  • Gilah Gersten, AS, BA, CDA, MADAA (Connecticut)
2019 95th ADAA Annual Session
  • Kimberly Allen, CDA, EFDA, MADAA, LDH, BS (Indiana)
  • Lois Bell, CDA, CRFDA, CPFDA, MADAA (South Carolina)
  • Lynn L. Murray, M.Ed., CDA, EFDA-RF, CPFDA, MADAA (Oregon)
  • Marijane Juricic, CDA, MADAA (Missouri)
  • Sandy Nicholas, CDA, MADAA (Mississippi)
  • Veronica Chapin, MADAA (Wisconsin)
2018 94th ADAA Annual Session
  • Jennifer McCarty, CDA, RDA, MADAA (Michigan)
  • Robynn L. Rixse, BS, CDA, EFDA, MADAA, FAADOM (Pennsylvania/Colorado)
  • Teresa L. Rogers, CDA, CPFDA, MADAA (South Carolina)
2017 93rd ADAA Annual Session
  • Theresa Lee Anderson, CDA, EFDA, CDIA, CDIM, MADAA (Missouri)
2016 92nd ADAA Annual Session – Denver, CO (October 20-24)
  • Kimberly Arny, CDA, CODA, MADAA (Ohio)
  • Yvonne Evans, BS, RDA, MADAA (Tennessee)
2015 91st ADAA Annual Session – Washington, DC
2014 90th ADAA Annual Session, San Antonio, TX (October 9-12)
  • Gina Conrad, CDA, RDA, MADAA, AS, BSC (Tennessee)
  • Tija Hunter, CDA, EFDA, CDIA, CDSO, CDSH, MADAA (Illinois)
2013 89th ADAA Annual Session, New Orleans, LA (October 30-November 3)
  • Jena Payne, CDA, RDH, CPFDA, CRFDA, MADAA, EDDA (Georgia)
2012 88th ADAA Annual Session, San Francisco, CA (October 18-21)
  • Wendy Frye-Agers, CDA RDA, EFDA, MADAA (Missouri)
  • Mary Lawrence, CDA, EFDA, MADAA (Maryland)
2011 87th ADAA Annual Session, Las Vegas, NV (October 10-14)
2010 86th ADAA Annual Session, San Antonio, TX (October 16-19)
2009 85th ADAA Annual Session, Waikiki, Kauai, HI (September 30-October 4)
  • Jennifer Blake, CDA-Emeritus, EFDA, MADAA (Indiana)
2008 84th ADAA Annual Session, San Antonio, TX (October 16-19)
2007 83rd ADAA Annual Session, San Francisco, CA (September 26-30)
  • Beth Barber, COA, MADAA, BS (Connecticut)
  • Elaine Pritchett-Bowser, CDA, MADAA (Virginia)
  • Linette Schmitt, LDA, CDA, MADAA (Minnesota)
  • Peggy Huddleston, CDA, MADAA (Ohio)
2006 82nd ADAA Annual Session, Denver, CO (August 2-6)
  • Bonnie Marshall, CDA, EFDA, EFODA, MADAA, RDA (Washington)
2005 81st ADAA Annual Session, Washington, DC (July 14-17)
  • Linda Kihs, CDA, EFDA, OMSA, MADAA (Oregon)
2004 80th ADAA Annual Session, Anaheim, CA (July 8-11)
  • Natalie Kaweckyj, LDA, RF, CDA, CDPMA, COA, COMSA, CPFDA, CRFDA, MADAA, BA (Minnesota)
  • Cathy Roberts, MADAA, EFDA, CDA-Emeritus, COA-Emeritus, CDPMA-Emeritus, CPFDA-Emeritus (Indiana)

*If you see an error or have an update, please email info@adaausa.org

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The ADAA office will be closed for the holidays:

Monday, December 23, 2024 – Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Please email us at info@adaausa.org and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience.