Dear Members, We are excited to begin our lead-up to the 100th Anniversary of ADAA. In the next nine months, we are planning events and improvements to advance the organization. The Membership and Education Councils, along with our staff team, have been diligently working on various projects, including:
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We are still in a crucial period where membership and fees are important. I encourage each of you to recruit and mentor new members. If we don’t reach out, who will? As a Board, we are constantly exploring ways to enhance our organization. During last year’s meetings, the Board of Directors voted not to renew the professional liability insurance policy for members. This is a policy that ADAA has been subsidizing for members for several years. This was a difficult decision, but one the Board deemed financially necessary. The current insurance coverage continues through the end of March 2024. We are working to provide resources and options for members seeking individual policies and will announce these when available. Communication is key to our organization, and we hope that 60-days’ notice before the loss of coverage will suffice for finding new solutions. Please look out for a more detailed article on this decision in the next DAJ. Don’t forget – Dental Assistants Recognition Week is just around the corner. This year’s theme is ‘100 Years Supporting Oral Health’. The order link for DARW supplies is now open, along with ideas on how to celebrate. Be sure to take photos to share on social media and in the Journal. Warmest regards, Lisa Childers Hernandez. |