Letter From Leadership: Lisa Childers Hernandez

Dear ADAA Members,

How exciting it is to be a part of ADAA, Juliette Southard’s dream which was developed over 100 years ago, just celebrated its 99th annual session. I am honored and excited to embark on my term as ADAA President representing the oldest and largest professional association dedicated to the dental assisting profession. My goal is to focus on the foundational elements of this organization – membership and education.  We have an opportunity to reimagine a healthier, stronger ADAA. It only takes a spark to get a fire going, but as you add more wood, you become a bonfire. That is what we are building today.  

One of the critical tasks at hand is reviewing and updating our continuing education courses and content as required to maintain PACE accreditation.  Additionally, we are looking to add new content to our course offerings as well. If you are interested in participating in either of these activities, please reach out to me.  

The other critical issue is membership growth and retention. I am very interested in hearing your thoughts and input on how we can build our membership. If we all recruit members, we could double membership. I challenge each member to be a mentor to a new member. The professional organization is only as strong as its membership. We are the largest workforce on the dental team, and our voices are important. MEMBERSHIP is our top priority. 

Collaboration & Communication- these are our most important tools. Reaching out and working at a local, state, and national level with other organizations in the dental field. As many of us have heard in the past few years “I didn’t know that ADAA still existed”. It is time to get our name back out there. If you are hosting, speaking, or attending any meetings, be sure and send pictures and information to info@adaausa.org to get posted on social media.   

As we approach ADAA’s 100th anniversary, we still have some work to do to update and modernize ADAA for the future.  I look forward to and value each member’s input.  Together we can build a brighter future through membership, communication, collaboration, and education.  


Lisa Childers Hernandez 

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The ADAA office will be closed for the holidays:

Monday, December 23, 2024 – Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Please email us at info@adaausa.org and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience.